Wednesday, December 29, 2010

One Little Word

One little word is a project that was inspired and shared a few years ago by Ali Edwards.  Each year she picks a word to focus on during the upcoming year.  A type of New Year's resolution, I guess you could say.  An effort to find something that you might want to change or remember or reflect on during the year.  I've played along for the last few years choosing words such as journey, gratitude and simplify.  I've used simplify for the last couple of years and decided I needed to find a new word this year.

I started thinking about a word a few weeks ago.  I thought I had found a good one.  One that seemed to suit me and could cover a variety of things that I would like to address in 2011.

Problem is, now it's three weeks later and I cannot for the life of me remember the word.

So, maybe it wasn't such a great word after all.

My ever-so-helpful husband has been trying to make some suggestions, none of which I can print here.

Maybe "remember" should be my word, since I seem to have such a difficult time "remembering".

Good thing I still have a couple more days until New Years........


  1. Remember is a good word. And very versatile. I think you may be on to something. I think mine is "today".

  2. I had decided a couple of weeks ago that Reflect would be my 2011 word. Definitely my word...until today when I became undecided. The husband offered his suggestions, some of which were even worth consideration, like "begin" and "find". So I went with Celebrate. Celebrate the ordinary, celebrate friends and family, celebrate life. Even though most biblical references of celebrate also make mention of a fatted calf.

  3. I think your word should be friend... because you are such a good one :D
