Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Shoes

Yes, these are my son's current shoes.  Well, at least as of yesterday.  Pretty sad, I know.  I should be ashamed of myself for letting my child wear these shoes.  In public.  At school.  To dinner.  To the Indian's game.  What a bad mother I am.

Last week, when the boy stepped in a soft, muddy spot, you should've seen the look on his face.  Or, maybe the cringe on mine.  It's not that the child didn't have any other shoes.  He had another pair.  A nice, practically  new pair.  Thing is, he didn't like them.  These were some fancier "Shaq" basketball style shoes that I found on clearance.  Some deal that was.

"But my old shoes are comfortable," he would say.

"There's barely any shoe left," I told him. 

He didn't care.  So, this is what he'd wear most of the time.  Unless a parent would notice and make him wear the "Shaq" shoes.  He leaves for camp on Sunday, so these will be great shoes for camp.  If they last that long.  I had visions of the shoes completely coming apart while he's on a hike in the middle of the woods.  There would be looks of "what kind of mother sends her kid to camp with shoes like that."  So, I finally went out and found another pair of shoes.  On clearance.  Hope this pair works out better than the last ones I found on clearance.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - that they keep on his feet is an engineering feat! (no pun intended!!!!) You pick your battles, right? This isn't one of the important things...

    Miss you - when can we get you guys over here???
